edgardo sanbria valentin headshot
Edgardo Sanabria-Valentín, Ph.D.

Dr. Edgardo Sanabria-Valentín is the Associate Director of the Program for Research Initiatives in Science and Math (PRISM) at John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNY. He received a B.S. in industrial microbiology from Universidad de Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences at New York University – Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Edgardo was a founding member of the NYC Minority Graduate Student Network, and is a Life Member of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). In his 10 years at John Jay he has secured >$3M in awards trough the New York State Education Department Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (NYSED-
), and has served as co-PI in various NSF and US-Dept. of Education grants. He also serves as Treasurer of the Association for Program Administrators of CSTEP & STEP (APACS).