Virtual Conference on Mentoring

Realizing Your Mentoring Mosaic
In partnership with Dillard University, the Leadership Alliance hosted a virtual conference on mentoring, Realizing Your Mentoring Mosaic.
This conference highlighted best practices for mentoring individuals from underrepresented backgrounds in biomedical research careers.
We look forward to a captivating pre-recording of "Tongues of the Pandemic Protest 2020". This is a Dillard University's Spring 2021 production directed by the Department of Theatre Arts' Ray Vrazel. This is a moving production of original student monologues expressing thoughts, feelings, life changes, and ideas influenced by the COVID 19 pandemic as well as the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.
Tongues of the Pandemic Protest 2020

Video Chronicles of 2021
To watch day one of our Virtual Conference on Mentoring click the button below. You will also see the play [Tongues of the Pandemic] in its entirety within this recording. Warning: Explicit language, will be offensive to some viewers.
Day Two
Here are videos of some concurrent session discussions from our second day.
Panel Discussion: Developing and Sustaining a Mentoring Mosaic from an Intergenerational Perspective
How to Be An Effective Mentee [Facilitated by: Dr. Regina Dixon-Reeves]
Leveraging Your Mentoring Mosaic for Effective Communication (Faculty and Administrators)
Using Technology to Craft Your Mentoring Mosaic [Facilitated by: Janina Jeff, Ph.D.]
Keynote: Robbin Chapman, Administrator, Harvard Kennedy School [Harvard University]

Myles Bartholomew, PhD Candidate, Brown University
Cortheal Clark, Faculty, Dillard University Theatre Department
Anita Corbett, Faculty, Emory University
Paige Cooper, Director of Duke BioCoRE, Duke University
Regina Dixon-Reeves, Assistant Provost, University of Chicago

Zaria Evans, Undergraduate, Dillard University

Ja'Wanda Grant, University & Student Affairs Lead, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Geena Ildefonso, Graduate Student, Vanderbilt University
Janina Jeff, Host of In Those Genes Podcast
Eartha Johnson, Dean of Faculty and Student Academic Services, Dillard University

Olivia Johnson, Sophomore, Theatre Performance Major, Dillard University
Kimberly Mulligan, Administrator, Auburn University
Kisha Piggott, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Danjuma X. Quarless, Manager in the Strategy Leadership Program, AbbVie
Checo Rorie, Faculty, North Carolina A&T State University
Mona Lisa Saloy, Conrad N. Hilton Endowed Professor of English, Dillard University

Shenika Poindexter Toliver, Faculty, Xavier University of Louisiana
Raymond Vrazel, Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts @ Dillard University

Destinii Wells, Junior, Theatre Performance Major, Dillard University

Iman Wells, Senior, Theatre Performance Major, Dillard University
Ulrica Wilson, Faculty, Morehouse College