Utilizing your network when applying to graduate school
Previously: How to integrate your summer research mentor(s) with your mentoring team at your home institution
Utilizing your network when applying to graduate school
If you are planning to apply to graduate school or another summer research fellowship, get in touch with your mentor about writing letters of recommendation. You should do this well in advance of the application deadline. A quality letter takes time to write. Even if you are not planning to ask a particular mentor for a letter of recommendation, they may be helpful to talk to during the application season. If you are applying to their former graduate program, for example, they may be apple to provide useful information on the program or even a “warm connect” to one of their former colleagues or advisors.
Action Item:
- If you are planning to apply to graduate school in the fall, make a calendar of when all of the letters of recommendation need to be added to your applications. Then check in with your mentors to confirm that they have the relevant dates on their calendars, as well as all the materials they need to write the letter or recommendation on your behalf.
Up Next: Resources for meeting new mentors