Doing Postdoctoral Work — Should I?
Individual Development Plan for Postdocs (University of Colorado Boulder)
Postdoc Career Development Resources (Columbia University)
Careers in Academia (Johns Hopkins University)
Postdoc Career Development Initiative (NYU)
Finding Postdocs
The Harvard Guide to Postdoctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Non-NIH Funding Opportunities
Where to Search for Postdoc Opportunities (Brown University)
Minority Postdocs
Association for Women in Science
The Association of Underrepresented Minority Fellows
National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals Inc.
National Postdoctoral Association
Funding and Grants
Grant Proposals (or Give Me the Money!)
Tools for Grant Applications (Harvard University)
Jobs and Funding (Johns Hopkins University)
Networking (Cornell University)
Interview Tips for Postdocs (Cornell University)
Evaluating Offers (Cornell University)